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E-Commerce PPC | E-Commerce Solution

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are both digital marketing strategies that aim to drive traffic to websites, but they function in fundamentally different ways.
PPC is a paid advertising model where E-Commerce PPC businesses bid on specific keywords, and their ads appear at the top of search engine results or across other platforms. 
[Image: E-Commerce-PPC-1.jpg]
Advertisers pay a fee every time a user clicks on their ad. PPC provides immediate visibility since ads appear prominently at the top of search results pages. 

It's highly targeted, as ads are shown to users who are searching for specific products or services. However, once the ad spend stops, E-Commerce PPC so does the traffic. PPC offers clear, measurable results, making it easy to track ROI, but it can become expensive, especially in competitive markets.

SEO, on the other hand, focuses on improving a website's organic ranking on search engines by optimizing the site’s content, structure, and backlinks. Unlike PPC, SEO does not involve paying for placement; instead, it relies on achieving high rankings through relevance and quality.
SEO takes time to deliver results, often requiring several months of consistent effort. However, the traffic it generates is "free" once a site E-Commerce PPC ranks well, and it continues to flow without ongoing ad spend. While SEO provides long-term benefits, the results are less predictable and harder to control compared to PPC.

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