As mininoob wrote:
Hello. Sadly i have to say so LoVe clan what keep playing quake 3 since 2006 gona be CLOSED and inactive from NOW.
It wos pleasure playing with all of you side by side. I wos here alone when ppl starl leaving i stay and i wos hope so old members will back and everything will be OK. this not happend only wife and style back and big THX for you so you do this but as all seen this wosnt enough, so now i wont sit here forever and wait.
I also quit LoVe clan where i wos in 3 long years.
As CO-LEADER i want give permision to RE open CLAN to basta, ar3s, alca1d, Virgo and amigos So its done.
If you ask me why not tortoise or flesh i simply will said. They are newest member and T and i think you shuld not have that permision.
I think its good time to do it NOW.
Remember love will stay in your hearts.
LoVe clan was in arena till - 12.10.2013
Thanks all for 7 years!
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